DR. AMAL KEHAIL Dr. Amal Kehail has been working in the medical field since 1994. She used to work at dubai hospital and latifa hospital for many years. Dr. Amal Kehail obtained her mrcog (membership of royal college of obstetrics and gynecology) from london, uk, then worked with the royal hospital nhs trust. currently, she […]

Dr. Moses Batwala | Specialist IVF & Obstetrics in Dubai | Al Moosa Clinics

Dr. Moses Batwala

IVF Consultant and Reproductive Medicine Physician Dr. Moses Batwala LANGUAGES: English Specialties: IVF, Infertility and Sub-fertility Low Ovarian Reserve (Low AMH) Fibroids Pre-implantation Genetic Testing (PGT) Obstetrics and Gynaecology Pre-implantation Genetic Testing for genetic and chromosome disorders. Fertility preservation through egg and sperm freezing for patients recently diagnosed with cancer. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Dr. Moses Batwala […]

Dr. Heba Salah

DR.HEBA SALAH Specialist of Obstetrics and Gynecology QUALIFICATIONS / CERTIFICATION American Aesthetic Gynecology Professional Diploma. February 2021 • American professional diploma in Infertility and IVF Master degree of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Azhar University for girls. B.Sc. of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Over-all grade: Very good. SPECIALIZATIONS Antenatal Care […]